100% Gluten-free Menu Announced
While The Duke of Brunswick has long been an Adelaide staple, several changes have taken place since reopening under new management recently.
Beginning with a vision to provide a community friendly atmosphere for all, owner Simone Douglas has continued on that theme greatly inspired after being selected in the 2018 Adelaide City Awards for best business making Adelaide a more liveable city.
“Our previous menu was already 90 per cent gluten-free, but there were still a few people that came in who were left out … because of cross-contamination issues, they couldn’t eat here. Investigating the issue further, we found that Coeliac Disease (CD) was relatively common with around 1-in-100 people suffering from this problem which greatly affects their dietary requirements.”
Tasked with being more inclusive for our patrons, Simone began working with chefs Dave and Adam in making the menu completely gluten-free by 2019.
With over 40 years of combined experience, Dave and Adam took Simone up on her challenge. “We really want to be more consumer friendly because everyone deserves a good parmy every once in a while!” Adam responded.
… And for a population that increasingly aware of eating right and some having strict dietary requirements, Dave firmly believes that for many, “It’s not a trend, it’s a way of life.”
Eden, our Assitant Manager adds, “While 100 percent of our food menu is now gluten-free, we also make a range of gluten-free drinks too. From our vast array of spirit and liqueurs, we have several options from light to dark to choose from.”
Working with people in the community and making the Duke of Brunswick into a place for everyone to enjoy has been a labour of love for everyone involved. “Not to compromise on taste, we are looking to expand our range as there’s always room in the fridge, and we’re open to suggestions,” Simone added. “I think people would be surprised at the dishes we’ve prepared and would never notice any difference. Our chefs have done an amazing job and taste even better than they look!”
Chefs Adam and Dave with Assistant Manager Eden
Taste testing – Cheeseburger GF of course. Yum!
Gluten free smashed avo on toast ❤️
Newsmaker – The Duke of Brunswick set to be Adelaide’s first pub with a gluten-free kitchen
Glam Adelaide – The Duke of Brunswick is going entirely gluten-free
The Advertiser – Duke of Brunswick Hotel in Gilbert St, Adelaide, is fist in Adelaide to go completely gluten-free
Hit 107 – The Duke of Brunswick is Offering an Entire Gluten-free Menu
EAT BETTER … Check out our menu!