Artisan Experience #1: Mollydooker Wines - The Duke of Brunswick Hotel

Artisan Experience #1: Mollydooker Wines

Our Artisan Experiences allow you to get up close and seriously social at the Duke of Brunswick Hotel.
At The Duke of Brunswick Hotel, we want to create new ways for you to enjoy your pub. One way we are going about that is by setting up a series of events which will enable you to rub shoulders with some of the people behind the products we sell. Getting up close and seriously social if you will. We’re excited to introduce you to our Artisan Experiences – Up Close and Seriously Social!

Artisan Experience #1: Mollydooker Wines

Date: 14th of March 2018

Time: 6:00pm until 8:00pm

We are pleased to be able to begin our Artisan Experiences at the DoB with a fun evening hosted by Mollydooker Wines.

Mollydooker Wines is a family owned winery in McLaren Vale. Our motto is “We make wines that make people go WOW through attention to detail and commitment to excellence” We aim to produce wines that stimulate all of your senses… look, feel, touch, taste and also create lasting memories. Each of our wines have a story to tell. We invite you to come and experience our wines and share in the stories we believe make them special.

Your host for the evening will be Matty Willmer. Matty joined Mollydooker in 2012 and loves sharing Mollydooker Wines with all of their friends around Australia.

If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to send us a message or give us a call on 8410 7079.

Click here to reserve your place for this exclusive event.

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Picture of Simone Douglas

Simone Douglas

Simone is co-founder and Senior Principal Solutions Architect of Social Media AOK. Simone offers over 17 years in corporate management roles encompassing generalist HR recruitment and development of small to large teams across multiple sites, industry sectors and states. Experienced in a variety of social media platforms and their complimentary applications, social media strategy, risk management, disaster recovery and associated HR policies and processes.

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